Access & Identity Management

Enterprise Access Control & Attendance
Access Control Features
- Allows to manage multiple companies, locations
- Manage employee details & access restrictions
- Timed/Real Anti-passback
- Input/Output & alarms configuration like fire,door-held,door-forced,battery failure, AC failure etc
- Monitor & control input / output status in real-time
- Real time alarm monitoring
- Popups or sms alerts on various alarm conditions
- Email notification on various alarm conditions
- Elevator Control
- Door Interlocking
- Bulk Import & Registration of employees
- Access Control through SMS : Various actions like opening / closing doors, enabling / disabling doors etc. can be performed through sms by authorized nos
- Web-Based Reporting Module provided for easy accessibility
- Utility for real-time transactions downloading
- Access control with Integarted Attendance software
Enterprise Time Attendance
- Add and manage multiple companies, locations, departments, designations.
- Sections: Group employees into different sections governed by Section Heads for better access control.
- Employee Management: Admin or HR person can add employees. Various personal details like photograph, contact details etc. can be maintained.
- Category: A set of rules can be defined which consist of settings for full day hrs, half day hrs, punch, compensation off, overtime, late/early which can be applied to the employees.
- Shift Management
- Holidays
- Leave Management
- admin can over-write the day status of an employee as present or half-day.
- Overtime Request & Approval
- Employee Login
- Online Request Management
- Can be integrated with biometric access control & payroll software
- User can configure the report settings & generate report in any required format
- Wide range of Reports provided with various filtration options which can be exported to a number of formats like PDF, Excel etc
- It uses biometric fingerprint scanner to get fingerprint
Contract labour management system
- Admin login for user creation, reports and settings
- EIC for Vendor and work order creation
- HL for approve/Reject the work order and verifying the worker documents
- Vendor for adding the manpower gate-pass request, renew and cancel gate-pass request
- Security login for temporary gate-pass
- Safety login for conducting safety related training for worker
- Medical login for checking worker health checkup
- Security client for gate pass creation, FP registration, face registration, access permission, reports, recall employee etc
- HL-HOD login for overwrite the policy/rules
- Customize pass deign
Enterprise Visitor Management
- Multi location, Multi department, Multi User system.
- 3 main user profiles for visitor management i.e. admin, host-employee & security/receptionist.
- Easy to use interface.
- Role-based user login.
- Manage multiple host employee data.
- Enroll new Visitor or identify existing visitor using fingerprint.
- Visitor's detailed database including photograph and fingerprint is maintained. Storing the Photo and Fingerprint image for future reference.
- Add appointments, set banners, messages.
- Manage Visitors through pre-approved list, watch list, ban list.
- Scan a visitor through pre-approved list, watch list, ban list using image.
- Inform Host Employee about visitor arrival through Email/SMS /Pop-up messages.
- Design customized Visitor Gate pass (Contract/Regular).Can create & store multiple gate-pass profiles.
- Integrated with various hardwares like web-cam, fingerprint scanner, bar-code scanner & printers.
Enterprise Cafeteria Management
- Supports multiple vendors & locations. Admin & Vendor login provided.
- Integrated with biometric & card reader. Facility to add menu items, quantity limit, timings for meals.
- Monthly recharge option or option to apply deductions at the end of the month.
- Increases efficiency by speeding up the overall process & removing manual intervention.
- Detailed & summary reports available employee-wise, vendor-wise, plate-count wise.
Cloud Based Solution
- Android Based Attendance
- Android Based Fingerprint Attendance
- Android Based Visitor Management
- Vehicle Tracking Solution
Payroll Solution
- Multi company, location & Multi department system.
- Employee Management : Employee classification & detailed data can be maintained.
- Easy to use interface. Multiple allowances & deductions can be configured.
- Highly configurable salary structure with allowance, deduction & pay type selection(daily / monthly).
- Late Penalty setup can be done for calculation of penalty(with the use of various configurable formulae) to be deducted from the salary.
- Import Master : Master & Employee data can be imported into the system through 2 different formats i.e. either through the Cybernetics Attendance software format or ESSL Attendance format.
- Attendance bonus setup can be done for calculation of bonus based on the attendance of employee.
- Import Attendance : Attendance data can also be imported in the above 2 formats.
- Various pre-salary entries can be done in the system like Advance, Insurance, Loan, Performance Incentive, Bonus, Ex-gratia, medical & other reimbursements, arrears etc.
- Bulk calculation of salary for all employees & detailed view of all calculations available.
- Lock / Unloack month : Month can be locked to prevent any changes to the salary calculations.
- Salary slips can be printed.
- Various payroll reports like Form 16, PT, PF, ESI reports can be generated & exported to various formats like pdf, word etc.
Team Collaboration Platform
- Compatible with various interface platforms like PC Web based Interface , Android phones and Tablets.
- Master (Admin) : Provides features of User & Department (Groups) Creation, InfoCenter Configuration and other policies like Holidays ,Weekly Off ,Working Hours settings.
- Extensive daily | weekly | monthly Graphical Dashboard Monitoring of work /tasks.
- Easy assignment of a taskto specific group or employee and provides features for task monitoring ,work done monitoring & analysis.
- Various reports like work done statistics Details work done reports are available for download in excel formats.
- Collaboration within employees can be done by Messaging across single or group chat.
- Organizational Leave Monitoring and Info center Access for documents facility is available for optimum resource monitoring.
- Department / Teams / Working Groups / Project Groups: Having managerial access to Team members and for self.
- Extensive monitoring for Task Closure & Pending Tasks Monitoring ,Work Closure ,Work Done Monitoring & Analysis.
- Setting Reminders | Messaging across all Employees.
- Leave Marking | Info center Access for documents.
- User/Employee: Users can easily access the software from android mobile APP, tablets as well as PC for daily operations of their work/task.
- Individual Task can be managed by own.
- Easily set important work self reminders and alarms.
- Self Efficiency analysis for changing approaches to improve individual performance.
- Documented tasks & performance analysis for HR appraisals.
- Easy Messaging across organization.
- Easy interface for Leave punching.

Customized Dashboard